Back in 2017 while meeting for lunch, a heated discussion between future partners, Troy and Josh, about who could hold their breath the longest evolved into a much needed conversation about the current state of mens socks in Canada.

Why must we shell out $30 bucks for some office personality?  Why can’t we buy any socks that are manufactured here in Calgary? Why are we still only on our first beer? 

As the boys talked it over, they both agreed, the local Calgary business scene was bustling and they wanted to be a part of it.  After all, they had personally funded almost half of the new breweries around the city with their patronage!

Ideas began to take shape and the more they talked, the more it became a reality.  It was on that day, Plainsbreaker Apparel was born.

Flash forward to June 2020 and we are now pumped to announce that Plainsbreaker Socks are now fully manufactured in Canada!

On top of that, we are the only cotton fashion sock manufacturer in Canada…. That we know of.   

We are now in full control of the manufacturing process.  What does that mean for you?

That means you can always count on your socks containing 100% organic cotton that meets the strictest environmental law in the world. 

In fact, we are upcycling most of our waste, taking the flawed socks and cut yarns and making dog beds and pillows.  That’s right, making sweet dream stations for poochies and saving mother earth at the same time!

There are no Canadian sock companies that are more environmentally sustainable and ethically produced than us.   

Plus, we have better pricing as well!

Wondering about the name?  Look to the West my friend!

Plainsbreaker Apparel was inspired by the sight of seeing the majestic Rocky Mountains towering over the sprawling prairies– they break the vast plains of Western Canada. 

Like our socks, they break plain. 

They can turn an ordinary outfit into something uniquely you – trendy, bold, fun and rising above the plain and mundane. 

Our company vision is to provide everyday socks to the “every-man” regardless of the work or activity he is undertaking and the key to reaching that vision is selling the products priced in a way that makes them accessible to everyone!

So that’s us!  That’s why we are here!  That's why we do what we do.

Enough about us though!  We want to take care of those feet!

Have a look, explore, get creative!  Let’s see if we can find your perfect fit!


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